
Saved by (cute) technology

So I began a Facebook page due to some slight peer pressure from Molly and April, mostly. I'm really not catching on - none of it makes much sense. So, feeling about as modern as cellophane-wrapped hard candies in an old lady's purse, I did what I always do when I'm feeling less than great: look at pictures of baby animals. This one really did the trick:


Lawnwrangler said...

Or you could just soldier on and add the "baby animals" application to your facebook.

Ethan said...

Wow, Beth, you are a blog-posting machine these days!

Facebook freaks me out with all its stupid pointless, like, "Your friend bit you! Now you're a vampire. It doesn't mean anything" games. This is why I stay away from it.

Ha'Penny Dreadfuller said...

Facebook was interesting a couple years ago, but they've made some very drastic changes that have taken away all of its appeal.